To fight spam, I can not put a direct email link. If the “Email Me” link above
is not working for you, please open your email program and copy and paste:
fretsonthenet AT msn . com change the "AT" to @ and then remove the 4 spaces.
Celebrating over 22Years of helping you !
Latest News:
Ok, so for some exciting news! I’ve been playing with the idea of Powder
Coating Trem Bar/Arms for those of you with black trems. I am happy to say
that I have done some testing and I am very happy with the results. While
they are not as durable as a true chrome plating, they are so much tougher
than just painted bars. They do take a bit more to make, so obviously they’ll
cost a little more. Some examples of the ESP Sinclair and Yamaha RM Pro
Also! Frets On The Net Shirts are HERE! I will be starting with just XL size,
but if I get enough requests, I’m happy to add sizes. They’re the lighter soft
fitted style Next Level Apparel shirts, so you know they’re good! They’re NOT
heavyweight shirts. More info to come soon!
Another year is ending, and another begins! So much has been happening
at FOTN, it’s just amazing! It’s all thanks to all of you, for making another
wonderful year happen in 2024 (wow, I can’t believe this year is over
Many new replacement parts have been added, as well as some new ideas
as well! From Engraved Knobs, Yamaha RM Pro II and III parts, Yamaha
Rockin Magic II Parts, and EVH Wolfgang Plates!
Hard to believe it’s October already! Please remember! October is breast
awareness month! Please encourage the women in your life to get regular
checkups as early detection is critical. For more information, please take a
look at the National Breast Cancer Foundation
New Merch store is open! So at the request from a quite a few of you, I
ordered some new stickers to put in the webstore (3rd link button down on
the left!). I’ve also had requests to add shirts as well so I will be looking into
that soon.
Frets On The Net turns 21 years old this month! Cheers to all of you who
have been a part of my life!
So I have been asked to start a webstore that sells merchandise by quite a
few of you. Never really gave it much thought, but please tell me what you
think. Things like stickers, T shirts and such?
Welcome to October!!!.......Please remember! October is breast awareness
month! Please encourage the women in your life to get regular checkups as
early detection is critical. For more information, please take a look at the
National Breast Cancer Foundation
This month it’s my 20th Anniversary! So incredible for me to just take that in
and think about it. I’ve never been shy about thanking every one of you for
the support you’ve given over the years, and I appreciate every single order,
whether they be huge, or just a few screws. You all mattered and still do.
Happy New Year! Thank you all for your continued support and I
appreciate every single one of you. Time is FLYING by and as always, we just
take one day at a time. Lets make it another great year and I truly look
forward to 2023!
Just wanted to wish you all a VERY Happy New Year! It has been a crazy
time these past couple of years, but life keeps moving ahead. You have all
been so very kind and generous, and I sincerely thank you for your business.
I look forward to my 19th year (wow...that’s weird seeing that being typed),
doing this for all of you, and it is truly an honor. Thank you all, and lets make
it a safe and healthy 2022!
Hello, all, hope you’re all staying safe and healthy out there! Just wanted to
give a bit of an update to the website. I’ve added some new parts/hardware
to the Bridge, Neck Parts, and Fender pages. String locking plates and fine
tuners for the System One Bridge in black.
YAMAHA Rockin' Magic II Fine Tuners
These are made from solid stainless steel and are the correct thread.
These have a nicer sized knob as well for easier gripping.
Well hello all! The familly is still staying safe and healthy here and I hope you
and your families are all doing the same. Just wanted to thank you all for
your cautiousness, and care with the mail as it has surely been an interesting
new way of life these past few months. As long as the “curve” lowers, and
keeps doing so, we’re doing something right!
Just a few new items added to the website! Newly 3D carved Truss Rod
covers, newly styled faux Carbon Fiber rings, and new Jazzmaster pickup
I have updated the Pictures and Testimonials pages for you all. Thank you so
much for the amazing words and pictures you’ve all sent to me. You have no
idea how much they all mean!!
A huge thank you to Shannon over at Troubadour Custom Guitars
for allowing me to be a part of their custom guitar creation built for
the Grand Opening at the Hard Rock in Reykavik Iceland. Click Here to see
the pics!
UPDATED: 2/27/2025
Frets On The Net Shirts
are HERE!